I ran in the
Demi Esprit
Olympique Team Relay this past weekend in Montreal. I am pleased to say that I achieved a PR (1:18:36) , beating my Beach 2 Beacon time by a full 2 minutes! Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to put us in the upper echelon, rank wise, but we did finish a lovely 27
Me, M.D, and M.B
(a.k.a run, swim, bike)
They wrote on me! not a bad number.. actually my extension number at an old job.. the also wrote on the back of my legs, adding my age.. nice, except when you're running, and people with higher ages pass you..
M.D. is ready to tackle that water.....
Nice shot of M.B. about to round the curve in the velodrome...
My turn.. This is at the 3-mile mark.. many more to go....
The straightaway to the finish line.. It's right about here, the Atomic Fireball I was eating kicked in, and I flew across that line...
loungin..i don't know what was in that wrap, but frankly at the time, I didn't care...
I what?! I beat my Beach 2 Beacon time??!!!
Davey and I basking in the glow of success!!!
Aftermath:After the race, Dave and I walked around Montreal.. three reasons:
1. we wanted to see a bit of the city
2. we both needed a
starbucks hit BADLY
3. if I stopped for too long, I had a feeling I would cramp and never be able to move again.
The 6 hour ride home through QC (
PQ) , VT, and NH gave ample time for my body to stiffen up, and not talk about the wedding. I didn't have it in me, and I didn't have "THE SPREADSHEET" handy. So we talked about other things, like work.
We got home around 11pm, where we somehow got our second wind,
and decided to watch
I have to say I could not tell the difference between Tina Fey, and Sarah
Palin..what a great job!
And the line about her foreign policy experience, where her response was
" I can see Russia from my house"
... I nearly fell out of my chair...
For now, I am a tad sore... getting up and down the stairs is
hmm.. interesting.. but I'm trying to get it in under 3 minutes..
The whole time I have been limping around, it reminds me of the episode of perfect strangers when they over do it at the gym then have a date that night.... if you haven't seen it.. here it is in its entirety...
All in all, a GREAT weekend... I told Dave it's HIS turn to come up with an adventure........