Thursday, June 19, 2008

Training session

Training.. yes.. how silly of me to actually think I'm going to make it to the gym.

BUT, I did get a run in.. I ran around the neighborhood. Did pretty good time for a first run in a while. Plus my sinuses were killing me by the time I was done. I'll do it again tonight, and see if my time improves.

After my run, I talked with Dave in his office while he made admin cables. My mother called, and we put her on speakerphone. We spent an HOUR talking with her about wedding plans. We've got the guest list down for the most part. Now.. the WHEREs and HOWs.
We have several options of places. We just need to do a cost-benefit analysis, and see if we can have what we initially envisioned come to light with our budget.
Of course our views differ greatly from my mother's views. But that's ok.. I will let her say her bit, and then the final decision will be Mine and Dave's.

But she's a GREAT personal assistant. I have her hot on the trail of guest addresses and phone numbers. So if you want to save her some time, give her a call, and update her address book, please. :)

Tonight we're bottling our Port. I hope to have some pics up by tomorrow, documenting the lovely process. We bought pretty blue 750ml bottles. I have to think up some labels.
Our next batch will be a white and a red for the wedding. we thought that might be nice to have one of each on each table.
We're going to need a wine cellar pretty quick.

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