Friday, May 9, 2008

The Start of the Journey

So here we are a the start of my journey. I'm so glad you've decided to join me!
I am on a mission - a mission to promote health an wellness, not only for myself, but for everyone! We do not realize how much control we have over our bodies.

It's really quite simple.. jumk in, junk out.. healthy in, healthy inside and out.

However, you wouldn't believe, (or maybe you would), how difficult such a concept can be!

Several years ago, I watched both of my parents go through colon cancer. My father luckily has the five-year clear, and my mother just finished chemo, unfortunately for the second time.

Going through cancer with my parents, I spent hours reading, and learning about all the ways we should eat right, do exercise, avoid toxins, and maintain an all-over sense of health and wellness.

Things were going great. I lost a total of 110 lbs, was running 5Ks, riding my bike miles at a time, looking and feeling great. Then.. I went on vacation.. to Vegas.. the buffets, the alcohol, the lack of exercise.. I lost my momentum, my groove, and I couldn't get it back. So for months, and through the winter, I kept becoming more and more sedentary, and losing the drive and motivation I had to even run anymore.

Now here I am. I feel I have completely let myself go, and I depserately need to get back on track. So I thought the best way to take accountability for my journey back to health was to post it for all the world to see. I will be posting my daily thoughts, experiences, and struggles, as well as sharing with all of you some of the insights, and wellness tips I have researched along the way.I look forward to hearing YOUR tips and thoughts, as well!

So, join me as I get back on track!

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