Well it's been a very very long time since I have written ANYTHING on this blog. I think the last time I wrote was 2009. Um wow - lots lots has happened. Well I got married, quit Onpoint, got a new wonderful job as a software trainer, and am very happy where things are going.
After I got married, I did a bad thing. I STOPPED running. I know, I know - DUMB DUMB DUMB. But in my defense, I was in post-wedding glow, and really I wanted to focus on being a newlywed, you know what I mean? Well that turned into me giving up having to make 2 dinners all the time (one vegetarian, one carnivore). That, along with some stress at work and home, I gained a whopping 40-something pounds. NOT GOOD. I undid some of what I accomplished.
Fast forward to this past Christmas, and my father becomes very ill. At the end of February, the doctors tell my Mom and I that there is nothing they can do. All we can do is make him comfortable, and wait for him to pass. In the last few days of his life, he was coherent, and I enjoyed talking with him. I told him how much I loved him. He passed on March 5, 2014.
It was a very sad moment for me. I have always been very close with my parents. It's 2 months later, and I am still grieving.
However, sometimes in the face of tragedy, positive things can arise. My father died of things that could have been prevented.
Multiple co-morbidities, such as type II diabetes, COPD from smoking 3/4 of his life, cardiomyopathy from decades of poor eating habits-red meat dominant, high-salt,high-fat foods in grandios portions. All preventable. His death unneccessary.
A month ago, I decided to make a change. I decided that I didn't want to ever put my kids through such a sadness for things I could prevent. I decided that I would go back to a plant-based diet, and get back to running. I was able to convert my mother with this as well. I started reading up on plant-based atheletes. Fell in love with Scott Jurek's book, and Rich Roll's Podcast, which turned me on to Forks over Knives and Genetic Roulette, and learned about GMOs, Monsanto, and the power of the local Food Co-op. (which I promptly became a member of).
So the results thus far? Well I'm a month in, and I have lost 20lbs. My mother's CEA dropped by an amazing 7 points, and she is feeling great, and the biggest miracle of all - my carnivore husband has joined on the vegan wagon. I am so proud of them both!
As for running, I am ready to get back on track. Here's the breakdown:
The goal: to run the Burlington Marathon next year.
The method: start with the Color Run 5k next month, throw in a 10k, another 5k, then a half-marathon in the fall... then winter training, and then the marathon.
How?: I hired a running coach! Not a personal trainer - a running coach. And she's a good one too. I felt comfrotable with her, and she really has a lot of great experience. So I think she will get me to my goal.
I will be blogging my journey - the highs, the lows, the achievements, the frustrations, everything. Come join me on my journey!
I hope to make my Dad proud!
2 months ago
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