Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunnier day?

Today is a beautiful day. After a fantastic Valentine's weekend, where Davey and I spent some wonderful quality time snowshoeing on the Hobbit Trail, and going to dinner at our fave spot (Riverfront BBQ), and just hanging out, it's now back to work time. So how do I feel today?

At home, Davey and I decided to get healthy. We bought some books on health and eating, and are trying the lower carb, higher lean protein (no, not just lean meats, but almonds, soy, etc.), and cutting out the sugar. All sugar.. including tomatoes and onions... BUT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MAKE SALSA???!!!

This morning we got up at 5:30 and got on the treadmill and Gazelle and watched the morning news while exercising. We then had healthy protein filled omelets for breakfast, and I am happy to say that I felt good and not hungry until lunchtime...
Yesterday, as far as that goes, I had a detox of a time. Lack of sugar and caffeine caused me fatigue and a headache, and extreme grouchiness (sorry Davey.. ) but it was gone after a good night's sleep.

Other than that, things are going primo. Work today is going better. I feel clearer, a little more encouraged, and left Friday feeling like maybe B. and I can come up with a way where a few things gets fixed. I've had a "come to Jesus" with the NH issue...so I'll just help wherever I can, and take the knowledge that I learned out of it, which is quite substantial.
In other geek news, I bought an EasyCap off of ebay the other day. The purpose of this gadget was that Davey needed a demo on a VHS tape to be put not only on DVD, but autoscripted to loop for his fly shows.. It took me about 20 minutes to get it done, which is really reasonable.
One thing I'm really happy about from this weekend was getting to have lunch with Carrie.. I really miss that girl, and it was great catching up. She looks absolutely fabulous, and seems like things are going great for her and Jon. I feel bad we don't talk more.. Sounds like we're going through a lot of the same issues too. Faith wise and such.. but it was really good to see her.
SO to end today, things are going better... We'll see what tomorrow brings.. but I'm a tad more encouraged. Maybe it's because the sun has been shining, and I have been able to get outside and play a bit.. that's probably it.. things look worse with cabin fever perhaps?? Spring is on its way!

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